Cinema and theatre booster seats
Cinema and Theatre Booster Seats is the leading manufacturer and distributor of supplements and infant seats lifters for film and theatre company. Currently it distributes its booster for seats worldwide through its authorized outlets spread across different countries.
Using a system of industrial manufacturing, all children's lifters are made under strict ISO 9001, strictly complying with the highest standards of quality and with a full warranty of 2 years.
Cinema and Theatre Booster Seats has an industrial capacity exceeding 1500 units daily production.
The raw material used in the manufacture of children's lifters is injected PVC high quality component ensures high durability and resistance in rooms where the public is intense.
Lifters children Korflip offer great stability, are maintained in perfect condition and smooth discolored or deformed many years, they are also easily washable. Comfort and ergonomics make it the ideal solution for children between 2 and 14 years.
Designed to be easily stacked, it is supplied in sets of 36 units. Together with the set comes a practical cart for transport and storage that will allow you to place all lifters in a very small, just 1 square meter of space.
Children's lifters for armchairs are manufactured in sets of 36 units, including storage and transport cart. His delivery is made with perfectly stacked and packed in cardboard boxes lifters.
Cinema and Theatre Booster Seats offers customers the ability to manufacture custom lifters with the corporate color of your company or brand can query the sales department or its authorized distributors.
Cinema and Theatre Booster Seats.